Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Review and Giveaway: CONTAMINATED by Em Garner *closed*


Borrowed from Goodreads:
After the Contamination—an epidemic caused by the super-trendy diet drink ThinPro that turned ordinary citizens into violent, uncontrollable creatures—the government rounded up the "Connies" to protect the remaining population. Now, two years later, the rehabilitated are being allowed home, complete with shock collars that will either control, or kill, them.

Velvet Ellis has struggled to care for her ten-year-old sister since her parents were taken in the round up. When she finds her mother in one of the "Kennels," Velvet resolves to do whatever it takes to put her family back together. But the danger isn’t over. It’s beginning all over again…

Gritty and grabbing, Velvet is a harrowing, emotionally charged novel for fans of Carrie Ryan and The Walking Dead.

Let me just start by saying this, zombies have never really been my thing. I'm terrified by just the thought of them. (Also, the  "Connies" aren't really zombies) With that said, I will admit, I LOVED this book. I literally finished it in one sitting.

I have never read anything like it. On one hand, it was scary, mysterious, and nerve wracking. But on the other, it was sweet, loving, and romantic. Not words that I use together often.

I'm just going to put this out there. I want to be like Velvet. She is a total bad ass. But she's also sweet. And kind.  And smart. I loved reading her story.

CONTAMINATED is definitely one of my favorite reads of the year so far. And I hope that you all go out and get it. You will not be disappointed.

And here's the best part....a GIVEAWAY! Em graciously sent me some things to give away! There will be two winners! First prize is a SIGNED copy of CONTAMINATED plus some swag! Second prize will be a swag pack! So, just leave me a comment, and let me know how you feel about zombies! I'll except entries for one week! Also, please leave me a way to contact you if you win!

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